
There is proof that changing brands can change your life. A ground-breaking study of long-term supplement users conducted in collaboration with researchers from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health showed that people who took this particular brand of supplements had markedly better health than people who took either a multivitamin or no supplements at all.

The American Heart Association has determined normal levels of key heart health biomarkers including triglycerides, c-reactive protein, and HDL cholesterol. On average , this particular brand study participants were well within the normal range for these biomarkers. These supplement users retained normal levels of blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, C-reactive protein, and homocysteine .


Two important categories of antioxidants are the carotenoids and the flavonoids.

We offer two unique and potent products , one for each category. Our carotenoid product delivers six of the most beneficial carotenoids. The daily average consumption of carotenoids is 8 mg. One serving of our product delivers 13 mg. there carotenoids help maintain overall wellness and long-term health of the eyes, heart, skin, lungs, prostate, and cervix. they also help support a strong immune system. They are fat soluble , and can be stored in the body where they can help protect vital organs. Our formula contains extracts from tomatoes, microalgae, oil of palm, and marigold, among others.

For Flavenoids, the average daily intake is only 20 mg. Our product provides over 300 mg per serving. Flavenoids are found in plant parts not typically consumed: seeds, peels, flowers,and bark. Flavenoids support healthy circulation, capillary strength, and cardiovascular health. they are water soluble and tend to accumulate in tissues rich in blood, such as the intestines, and the liver. Our product contains extracts from blueberry, elderberry, green tea, and grape seed among others.

Order vitamins and antioxidants today!


Rick Seebauer
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