For bone health we offer a clinically proven unique matrix of critical nutrients that go beyond calcium to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, and help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.  Our easy to swallow tablet also helps retain normal blood pressure, assist in muscle contraction and nerve transmission. It also can help reduce PMS symptoms such as bloating, water retention, irritability,and moodiness.

Our product offers 1,000mg of elemental calcium from nature's most concentrated and easily absorbable sources.  It also provides 400mg (100% of daily value) for magnesium and 400IU of vitamin D-3 to stimulate calcium absorption, as well as containing other important bone-building minerals such as zinc, copper, and manganese, and boron and vitamin K.

Over 44 million Americans are at risk for osteoporosis, with 50% of women over 50 being at most risk. 78% of women over age 20 get less than 100% of the daily value of calcium.

Think of calcium as the bricks to building strong and healthy bones. Bricks can be strong and stable only when combined with mortar. In the case of calcium. the mortar consists of Vitamin D, magnesium, boron, Vitamin K, zinc, copper, and manganese.  Our product is clinically proven to increase blood calcium significantly for over twelve hours. 

Order Calcium today!



Rick Seebauer
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